0860 1000 46


3 Letter Code 3-letter airport abbreviation (e.g. JNB)
Airwaybill (AWB) Air waybill
AMS Abbreviation for Automated Manifest System (automated information for customs authorities
Belly Aircraft cargo space underneath the passenger deck
Bonded Warehouse A customs warehouse for storage of goods for which payment of duties is deferred until the goods are removed from the warehouse
Carrier Airline
Charter A leased aircraft or leased cargo space
Dangerous Goods Articles or substances which are capable of possibly a risk to health, safety, property or the environment
ECS Export Control System
Fuel Surcharge (FSC) Airline’s variable fuel surcharge
House –Airwaybill (HAWB) Forwarder’s air waybill (used for consolidated consignments)
I.A.T.A. International Air Transport Association
ICS Import Control System
Lower Deck Cargo space under the passenger deck
Main Deck Main deck in freight aircraft or in mixed version aircraft
Master-Airwaybill (MAWB) Consolidated air waybill from forwarder to forwarder or if the letter of credit requires this
Mixed Version Aircraft with divided main deck for passengers and freight
Prefix The first three digits are an abbreviation for the relevant airline on the freight/passage documents (e.g. AWB 020-xxx = Lufthansa)
Routing Freight transport route (e.g. via various transhipment airports)
Routing Order General order to a particular business partner to send their consignments according to the tariffs and services agreed with Value Logistics
Unit Load Devices (ULD) Various loading devices in air freight transport
UN-Number This four-digit number, also called the material number, is an identification number specified for all hazardous materials and dangerous goods
Warsaw Convention

Montreal Convention

International agreement on air freight transport (also regulates liabilities)
War Risc Surcharge (WSC) Order Security Surcharge (SSC) Airline surcharge for war or security, which covers increased insurance costs since 11 September 2001